4 Reasons You Aren't Achieving Your Goals (and what to do about it)

Have you ever set a goal, with every intention of working towards it, but for some reason you just don’t see it through? (If your answer isn’t yes, then you’re either lying or you’re one of those internally motivated people that I wish I could be like.) For those of you who answered YES - What would you say kept you from achieving that goal?

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As a certified Life Coach, I often ask my clients this question, and here are four common responses:

  • I don’t have enough time.

  • I don’t have enough money.

  • I don’t have the experience.

  • I don’t know how.

When we begin to unpack these, we discover that these are excuses they use to mask the real reasons. It’s easier to use these excuses than admit the real reason is fear, self-doubt, or a lack of motivation.

The thing is, you have to get to the root of what’s really holding you back before you can move past it. When you’re aware of what is keeping you stuck, you can implement tools to get unstuck. [BTW - This is the type of coaching I love digging into.] Awareness is a valuable tool when you’re chasing your dreams.

In the spirit of identifying what might be holding you back, see if any of these resonate with you. Here are common reasons people don’t achieve their goals:

Lack of Intention: You don't see the importance of setting goals or don't feel you can control the direction of your life.

Lack of Desire: You've stopped dreaming or you've decided to settle for good enough. You believe that you don't deserve to have or be more than ordinary. You don’t want to do the work because it’s outside your comfort zone.

Fear of Failure: The idea of failing is so overwhelming that it blocks you from even getting started. You doubt yourself and fear you won’t be able to pull it off. You’ve tried doing this in the past and couldn’t make it happen, so you’re certain this time won’t be any different. You’re worried about what other people will think if you go after your dream and fail. You don’t want to disappoint yourself or anyone else.

Fear of Success: You’re worried you might actually be able to pull it off and if you do, then what? You’re unsure of how success would impact your relationships.

Did you relate to any of these? If so, what do you do about it?

We are approaching the beginning of a new year when most people begin to set New Year’s resolutions, outline goals, and commit to new habits. If you’re ready to ditch your old excuses and make next year the best year yet, here are some tips:

1. Get clear about what you really want to accomplish and why. If your goal doesn’t motivate you, you won’t put in the work.

2. Be honest about what’s holding you back. Then you can develop strategies to overcome those obstacles. If you’re not sure where to start or need help with this part - schedule a FREE Discovery Session and we can unpack it together.

3. Write out your goals and create an action plan. Writing your goal out will help you get clear about what you want to accomplish, how you will measure success, the action you need to take, and when you will achieve it. (My Goal Setting Guide has the perfect roadmap activity for breaking your goals into smaller chunks.)

4. Revisit your goals often. Keep your goals visible so you can keep the momentum going.

If you need help moving past the excuses, identifying what’s really holding you back, or maintaining accountability, schedule a free Discovery call.

As you approach the new year, I hope you’ll follow your heart and dream big. Don’t let fear and doubt hold you back from creating a life you love and one you deserve!

- Crystalynn

For more tips, tools, and inspiration, follow me on Facebook or Instagram.