Getting Uncomfortable

Informal poll: Raise your hand if you sleep on the same side of the bed every night. Now raise your hand if you take the same route on your drive into work each morning. Keep it raised if you have a morning or evening routine when the kids are in school.

Routines make us feel comfortable. Routines help us feel like we have just a little bit of control over our day/life. Routines help us feel safe because we know what to expect. That certainty produces confidence.  

That desire for familiarity can also keep you stagnant and even rob you of your confidence. It can keep you from trying new things because you can’t get past the discomfort.  And while its comforting knowing what to expect out of each day, dealing with the unexpected and navigating new experiences is what helps our confidence grow.  Overcoming challenging obstacles can develop a sense of confidence that is far greater than comfort could ever bring.

Stepping outside your comfort zone doesn’t require confidence or certainty, it requires courage. The courage to take just one step regardless of the fear that may be present. With each step, your confidence will grow.

3 steps to courageously take a step:

1. Be honest about what's stopping you (Hint: It's always fear, but identify what's at the root of the fear.)

2. Identify what is waiting for you on the other side. Why is doing this important to you? What will it mean to you or for you? Who else will it impact positively and how? Be specific!

3. Consider how you might make the first step even less intimidating.

So believe in yourself enough to get uncomfortable.