Energy Assessment & Personalized Debrief

Example of energy levels under normal conditions

Example of energy levels under normal conditions

Example of energy levels in reaction to stressful circumstances

Example of energy levels in reaction to stressful circumstances

What it does:

  • Gives you an awareness of who you are and how you act

  • Helps you understand what drives your perceptions, feelings, and actions so that you can recognize and change habits and patterns that do not serve you well

  • Empowers you to respond, not react, to the stressors in your life in the way that you desire

You’ll identify what’s causing stress, what’s holding you back, and what changes you can implement to become more balanced and joyful.

How it works

  1. Assessment: After purchasing, you’ll receive an email within 24 hours with a link to the online assessment and instructions on how to take it. The assessment will take about 20 minutes to complete.

  2. Results: Your results will be sent to me immediately following your completion of the online assessment. You’ll receive instructions for scheduling your debrief session.

  3. Debrief: Your results will be shared with you over email 24 hours before your scheduled debrief. During your 60-90 minute session, you’ll be guided through a personalized debrief of your results.

Increase your self-awareness and decrease your stress levels.

Energy Assessment & Debrief


What’s included:

  • Assessment results

  • Personalized debrief session

  • 30 minute follow-up session

Create Awareness & Decrease Stress

The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment helps you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and how you respond in stressful situations. This 20-minute online assessment will help you recognize how your energy is currently working for you or against you and it points out ways you might be getting in the way of your own peace and happiness. Once you become aware of how you show up, you can identify any changes you may want to make.

The ELI is an attitudinal assessment, not personality-based, and it puts a numerical value to the types of energy an individual experiences and expresses. For example:

  • Level 1: Feeling lost. Stuck. Lack of choice. I can’t. I have to. Fearful.

  • Level 2: Anger. Combativeness. Resisting or fighting energy.

  • Level 3: Rationalizing. Fine. Coping.

  • Level 4: Care. Compassion. Service to others.

  • Level 5: Reconciliation. Win-win. Solution-focused.

  • Level 6: Intuition. Creative genius. Visionary.

  • Level 7: Absolute Passion. Non-judgment. Oneness.

It’s normal for individuals to cycle up and down the energetic spectrum as they experience life. It’s also important to remember we are a mix of different energy levels; never just ONE single level. With the awareness and insights gained through the ELI debrief you can reshape your attitude and transform who you are.

Energy Assessment & Debrief

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As a Certified Coach and Energy Leadership™ Index - Master Practitioner, Crystalynn Godek uses the Core Energy Coaching™ methodology to help clients focus on the root of a challenge and shift the underlying energy that feeds their thoughts, emotions, actions and ultimately, life experience. By helping shift energy towards awareness and curiosity, clients are able to embrace possibility, restore confidence in themselves and move into action.

Forbes Coaches Council recommends the ELI Assessment as “ assessment they highly recommend executives take.”